Will woke Lillian up just so he could rock-a-bye her and read her a story. Although so very sweet of him... she didn't need woken up!
The upstairs is almost all sheet rocked. (dinning room here)
Laundry Room
Basement ceilings are sheet rocked (what will not be a drop ceiling), and the walls are insulated. Yes, I did a lot of that!!! I'm still finding fiberglass in my hands even wearing gloves but oh well...
Living area of basement (a.k.a. the movie room)
<3 p="">
Basement bathroom, yes, it's huge!
Will's room
Lillian didn't want to take a picture in her room.
And sometime during the week, my children decided to be bears!
or... maybe a bull??
Not sure what, but they were acting goofy jumping around and I thought it was funny.