Sunday, October 4, 2009

Felt baby move!

Today is the start of week 17. Last night was really cool, it was the first time I had no doubt in my mind that I felt the baby move. It was only for a short 5 seconds or so but still really neat. The doctors appointment on Thursday went well. The babies heartbeat is still in the lower 150’s. My spots that have appeared on my legs and hands stumped Dr. Glynn. She said she would have to do some research on why on my legs. Most of the time spots appear on pregnant woman’s bellies and on their face like a mustache. I just say thank God for no mustache looking spots! Our next appointment will be October 29th and that is when we will also have a sonogram the same day and find out what we are having!!

This week has been pretty laid back for us both. Dennis has chopped a few days but is now getting ready to combine his beans. I believe his beans and corn will be ready right around the same time so he will be busy around the house for a few days next week. He is still working in Sabetha, I believe wishing he could fast forward time with the work getting done too.

I found out yesterday that our cats have distemper. That would explain perfectly why we can’t keep kittens longer than 3-4 months at our house! Thanks to mom who did the research for me. So, now I have to attempt to give them antibiotics twice a day… which they do not like at all. So, our farm animals that we shouldn’t spend much money on, all seem to be on medication right now. Katie is almost done with her antibiotics, the spots are still there but I would say she is no longer contagious. I do think I will get all of our cats the distemper shot once the kittens are done with the antibiotics. That is money I wish not to spend but it is a necessity. I didn't think that it was distemper because the adult cats are fine. I guess they build up an immune to it once they have had it. Besides the animal crisis, I spent Friday baking. I made some pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie meringues. I love pumpkins!! Yea that Dennis doesn’t like the meringues. Those are some of my favorite cookies, so I think I know what I will make more of. At Christmas time, I have a recipe for candy cane and I think eggnog meringues… YUMMY!!! They are supper easy too. Also, the last two days I have been blowing my nose non-stop so let’s hope I’m not getting sick…

I know they don’t read this but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grandma and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Grandma and Grandpa Strahm!!! Well, not today but it is right in between!

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