Sunday, September 11, 2011

Diaper stash... so far!

Yes, so far! I will be pretty stalked up once all of them come in but, once the baby gets here I will need to add to the stash. Probably no more than ten more and I should be good to cloth diaper two kids at the same time. That will require me to do laundry every day until baby #2 has a little larger bladder.

These are the Gro Via all-in-two diapers. They have an insert that you can just snap in and out and reuse the oh-so adorable covers. These are the inserts we do not have yet. We do have one so I know that they do take quite a bit longer to dry. The Fuzzi Bunz (look below) will air dry over night and these will take an extra day. Once we have these in, I can start doing laundry ever-other day instead of every night.

The rest of these are the Fuzzi Bunz. They are pocket diapers, so we have to stuff them. It didn't sound that appealing but I have timed how long it took me to stuff (all 6! HA!) and it took a whole 3 minutes! Do the math, 30 seconds for one stuffing. That is totally doable, even if we only had pocket diapers and had to stuff them all.

Then you see these flat rectangle orange and yellow fabric on the bottom left hand side of this picture? These are cloth wipes. Let me tell you that Will loves them! He used to squirm, and squeal and just hated the highly chemically-added wipes. They just hurt his little bottom. These cloth wipes, he just lays there and takes it. There is a spray that you spray on his hinney (its called Happy Hinney) and he loves it!

I was so excited to get a picture of Will in his new diapers that I didn't even realize my camera was on manual and way out of focus. But, here he is in his new diaper. He has now been wearing cloth diapers for long enough that if he dirties it an hour before bed, I don't want to dirty another cloth so I'll just put a sposie on him. The second it is on, he tries to take it off. It is just not as comfortable as those soft, fleece lined diapers!

So, I'll admit, we had issues with night time diapers the first night. I, like other new to cloth mamas really have no idea what to do for nights. I did buy a night time diaper that was recommended to me by the seller. This is what he looked like the first night. Blimp Butt is what I like to call it. Well, it didnt work out. I was working nights so Dennis had him and said that Will woke up at 1:30 with a soaking wet diaper. Dennis swears that Will said 'Thank you' after he changed him.

Since this night, I have discovered that the Fuzzi Bunz diapers work if I stuff them with 3 liners. It makes his butt pretty fluffy but it stays dry all night. So, no more blimp butt.

I am excited to get the rest of the diapers in and see how it all goes. So far, I'm in love. As far as diaper rashes go, the normal rash he got with the sposies has not appeared. He has however, gotten a heat rash right around all the creases on his diaper covered area. I'm not sure why this is happening but it is red with little bumps, just like a heat rash. It is even peeling a tiny bit on his thighs. The things I have yet to learn.


  1. I bought a cloth diaper the other day that I'm so far a big fan of. It's a waterproof cover with cotton liners, and you can use the cover four times before washing it by changing out the inserts. One thing I learned is that if you want new diapers to be absorbant, you have to wash the inserts on a high temperature at least three times.
    For wipes, we've never used the chemical wipes that they sell in stores. I've always used little squares of disposable cotton and normal tap water. He used to get awful hiney rash due to his food allergies to the point that he would crack and bleed, and regular wipes dry out the skin so much!
    I don't want to use cloth diapers all the time, but I would like to have a handful so that V can wear them in the evenings and on the weekends. They seem so much more comfortable!

  2. What you described is a lot like the Gro-Via ones. Those are the ones Im impatently waiting for the rest of the liners to come in. I did was the night time diaper at least 3x so not sure why it was so bad... Sounds like Victor and Will both have had some nasty rashes. That's the reason for switching to cloth, Will would bleed almost every other week because he would get a rash so bad. If your nanny is on board with doing cloth, I could see you doing it full time. It really is so much easier than I ever thought.

