Sunday, August 19, 2012

The two!

September 19th my Mom and I are taking a trip to Kansas City for an appointment to have this little birth mark checked out. Since she is the 'heart attack baby' I started calling this A Little Piece of Papa's Heart. I'm not sure what the actual percentage is but we are pretty sure there is a 99% chance there is nothing growing under neath it and she will grow up hating it, no big deal. But, for the off chance that something needs to be done about it, our Dr. wanted us to have it checked out by a childrens' dermatologist. This is why we have to go to KC for this appointment. Since it will more than likely be no big deal we are going to take advantage of being in the 'big city' and going to go shopping! 

Something a little more serious is the fact that Will has had some blood issues. Meaning, in his diaper. For about a month or so he would wake up saying 'ouch' and grabbing himself. I thought it was odd but no big deal until he had a penny sized spot of blood in his diaper. Well, he's a boy. He likes to take his clothes off and pee on things outside. Maybe he scratched it on something? Who knows but probably a fluke right? Well, it happened again about a week and a half after that so I made an appointment to see our doctor.

Will is the probably the youngest patient to pee in a cup for Dr. Glynn! So they were all proud of him for that! Traces of protein and blood were present in his urine so we trucked over to the hospital for a blood draw. Little man do so well! Yes, he cried but as soon as they were done, with pop cycle in hand, the tears stopped. 

The blood work came back fine so that still didn't explain why there was extra stuff in him. So, we have an appointment August 28th in Kansas City to see a nephrologist and get some testing done. There are names for everything that will be done but I don't remember the names. Basically, he will have an IV inserted with dye in it and then do an ultra sound to see the kidneys. (A cyst on the kidneys is one possibility.) I believe he will also have some other kind of test to see if there is a palup in his urethra. This is the second possibility. 
A third possibility is that nothing is wrong and its a total fluke! It's just something that we should not ignore and get checked out. (Sorry Will for sharing such personal information on the internet!! Love you!) Dennis will be making this trip with us since this will be more invasive testing than Lillian's back.

On another note!!! Dennis is getting closer and closer to being done chopping. Usually he is just getting into the craziness of it all at this time. He is tired, stressed and tired of being stressed. The kids miss him and I miss co-parenting. Will and his terrible twos need two people to handle! 

I on the other hand, am trying to handle the two and terrible twos by myself without drinking myself stupid. I hardly have any time to do anything at home. Its so hard to take care of the kids needs, cook, clean, pump and then attempt to find time to workout. I am down to 4 pumps a day and enjoying the extra time I have. It was on accident, dropping one pump that is. I was pumping first thing in the morning, around 10, 2, 5 or 6 and before bed. Finding the time to pump right around supper time was nearly impossible. All of a sudden I was skipping that 5 o'clock pump and just pumping an hour or so before bed instead. It has worked out for the most part because it is one less pump while the kids are awake so I can actually enjoy a little 'me' time. My goal was to pump longer than I did with Will and since I pumped for 5 months for him, I have succeeded that goal and on for month 6!

This year in the garden we have gotten close to 25 bags of corn in the freezer, 13 pints of pickle relish, 2 1/2 quarts of sweet pickles and I'm going to can some apple pie filling. My Grandparents have a couple of apple trees that they are going to share some with me and then I also have a co-worker that has a tree and since he will not do anything with them, I'm going to make him a couple of apple pies in exchange for all the apples I care to have. Tara made some apple pie filling one year and canned it and I thought what a great idea! I think I will also make some apple sauce and can it. Since I refuse to learn how to use a pressure caner, I will have to sweet talk someone into helping me (or do it in exchange for a few pints!).

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