I haven't even taken many pictures!!!
But we did do some baking...
It involved blueberries...
And flour...
And then we did some painting...
Really those are about all the pictures I have taken in the last month... Other than that, Lillian had a visit with the ENT. We are on a waiting game to see if she gets another ear infection with the ear that the tube fell out of. If she does then she will have new set of tubes put in WHEN she has her adenoids taken out. Until June 20th, that's as much as we know for her. Will does have an ear infection. The boy went 2 years with none until this year and this is his 3rd or 4th! He also had a nasty bug this last week that caused us to miss an Easter.
Dennis is working LONG hours on the house. All the woodwork should be done as of tonight so moving on to the next project on it. Don't ask me, he never tells me but hopefully it's kitchen! I'm excited to see it started. I'll post a few pictures in the next blog.
I've just been working and trying to stay awake. It must just be that I'm older and have kids who can't put themselves to bed because night shifts are kicking my butt way more than they used to! Sooo tired!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Easter with your families. Remember what this holiday is about. Jesus has risen! This truly is my favorite holiday to think about. The amount of love God has for us just floors me. I love my kids more than anything in the world and that is only a fraction of how much He loves us! Amazing.