Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 23!

At week 23, baby should be right around a whole pound, give or take a few ounces! He is also about 11 inches long from head to toe. It is very reassuring as each day passes to know that he could have a chance at living if he were born now. But in the mean time, he is kicking more and Dad has gotten to feel him move around more. I think that we have finally decided on a name! I will not post it but you may hear us say it if it slips…. So, for now we will just call him Baby.

Dennis has been going to Sabetha pretty well every day. It is so good to hear that he is almost done. I know that it will be a huge relief when it is done. He has several jobs around here that will not take that long that he has to do yet. He has been feeling a little under the weather too. Friday he came home after lunch because he wasn’t feeling well. I don’t know if this is just a touch of something but he never gets sick so I do get worried about him pretty quickly. Yesterday he was feeling better so hopefully it is done whatever it was. I know we are all hoping that he will be done in Sabetha by the end of this week.

When we went to Topeka, we took Christmas pictures. They are very cute but WOW did it take all of us adults energy to get them done! All of the kids were tired and so they were not cooperative. Sears did do a good job and they were able to get a good picture of each kid. So I guess that was a successful day. I am almost done with Christmas shopping too!! I just have a few small purchases to make and then I am DONE! I am so excited to get Christmas decorations out. I have been trying to hold off for Dennis’s benefit. Also, Friday, Tara and I baked Christmas cookies. With a minor mess up, we did have a successful day and made several hundred cookies. Time is going by so fast. It seems like Christmas will be here and gone before we know it. That only scares me because I want everything to get done for the baby before he arrives.

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