Friday, November 11, 2011

Baby update:

I had my appointment today for week 22! Can you believe it? Time has really flown by. Baby girl was kinda hiding from us today. She was hard to find on the doppler but once found, her heart beat was all over the place from 120-143! What a range! She must have been doing some summer salts in there or something. Overall, I have been feeling pretty good. The baby is growing and that is all I can ask for. With that being said, here is the little whining for today. I can't believe how hard it is to breath already! I feel like my lungs are the size of a tangerine. Makes me wonder how small they will feel once I make it to the final stretch of the 3rd trimester... My lower back is already starting to ache. The kind of aching that doesn't go away even when laying down or sitting. Again, I may complain about these things but there is no other place I want this baby girl than inside of me growing as she should, so bring on the back ache and the inability to breath, as long as she is growing!!

There were a bunch of things that I had to ask the doctor this week, so I completely forgot to ask how far my belly was measuring!!! I have no idea if I was measuring on track, big or small. I will try to remember to call on Monday and ask. One of the really weired things that has happened a couple of times since last month, was that when laying down on my left side, as I get up using my ab muscles, it feels as if my abs are being ripped apart from my navel down. It is truly the weirdest feeling I had ever felt. It didn't hurt, and twice it wasn't even that big of a deal, just felt it and that was it. Only once did it stop me in my tracks and the feeling lingered for about an hour after. No idea really what it was, just was told to do some stretches.

My foot long, one pound baby is starting to kick hard enough for me to feel more and more. She is so much quieter than her brother was. At this age with Will, I think I could see my belly move from all of his movements. I still only feel the little flutters of her oh so huge ninja moves.

We are still discussing names. I have a name that I would LOVE to name her but Dennis' doesn't seem too keen on it. In hopes that he will change his mind, I keep calling the baby by this name. He doesn't say anything when I call her by this name so I'm hoping that he is secretly liking it, just not going to say anything until it is closer time to meet her.

As far as her brother goes, well a hoot is all I can really say for him. He is just such an awesome little guy. I know, I'm bias but hang out with this kid and he will have you laughing your butt off! Some of the funny things he has been up too lately is running around the living room with a big afghan between his legs yelling "eee up!" The little cowboy!! Will also knows that the pacis stay in the crib. Big boys don't have them during the day. Well, he disagrees with this known fact. He will sneak into his room and get his skinny little arms threw the rails to grab as many that are in his reach. Again, knowing he isn't to have them, he sneaks out of his room with the biggest grin on his face. I have to follow him back to his room to make sure that he will throw them back into his bed. This may be the down fall of moving him to a toddler bed, the availability of these security suckers!

Will has learned the importance of wearing gloves!!! After our first snow of the year (pictures to come) we bundled up and went outside to throw some snowballs for a few minutes. I also didn't have gloves on so I guess I was unaware that his little fingers would freeze much quicker than my man hands. It was a painful few minutes once we came inside. Will didn't understand the water or putting your hands in front of the heater so, we just rock-a-byed while I rubbed them trying to get them back to normal quickly.

Now that my heart burn has finally subsided, I think I will move on and try to eat an entire sandwich. Something that has also been a challenge in the last several days.

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