Saturday, August 13, 2011

The everchanging blog

The Deters Blog is a blog that is everywhere. It is pretty scatter brained. This blog is my baking adventures, my baby, and all the cuteness, wonderful, amazing things he does, and anything else that happens in my life. I started this blog in full anticipation of blogging the child we did not know yet. As time went on, this blog has turned into a baking blog, mixed with my family. Now that we are now going to have baby #2, this blog will be transformed back to a Mommy blog again, with a twist of baking.

Well, if you haven't noticed, let me tell you, I have not been baking lately. The reason being of course is because of my previous post. I'm so, so exhausted. I truly don't remember being this tiered with Will. A good reason for that is probably because I didn't have a toddler to chase around, so if I so chose to take a two hour nap every day for 9 months, I could! This time around, not so much. At 9 1/2 weeks, I feel like I am starting to get my energy back some. Well, enough that I actually made supper. Pizza has been on the menu now for well, seven weeks. Back to the supper I made. Fried zucchini casserole as I am calling it. It is a lot like lasagna only instead of the pasta, you put fried zucchini! It took two hours to make the dang thing. This and zucchini bread is the extent of my baking lately.

Will is already a great big brother. He will sit on my lap, lift my shirt, say 'baby' and hug 'it'. It is so cute. He is going to be wonderful with the baby. There is a baby at daycare so I am really not scared about how he will react to having a baby around. I have walked into daycare and Will was rocking the baby in the little bouncer.

Diaper changing... so much better! This little boy is so hard to change. Since he was about eight months old, he would toss and turn and flip and squirm every diaper change. There have been several times when one diaper change turned into bath time. *Knock on wood* he has been sitting still for us to do this for about a week now!

Pacifiers. When to ditch it? I thought about one year, we even tried around his birthday. He won because right around then, he got a cold, cut teeth and was just not feeling well. I truly believe now that the paci addicts in every family are the parents. I enjoy being able to just give it too him and make him happy when he is sleepy and whiny. So, he is still attached. Do we try to toss it before the next baby gets here, or just say whatever?

Dennis is in full swing of chopping and has been for about two weeks now. Thank God, there has only been minor break downs. Pray that this continues. I know he is missing Will like crazy. He will leave as soon as Will gets up or he drops him off at daycare and doesn't see him again for the rest of the day. If I have a day off, we do try to go ride around with Dennis for about an hour or so. Will doesn't last longer than that. He loves it though! He blows kisses and waves to all the truck drivers. All the drivers are great too, they love honking their horns at him and try to get Will to wave to them.

Our garden is down to tomatoes and peppers. Fresh tomatoes want to make me puke, so luckily, Mom has offered to take them all and skin, and freeze them for spaghetti sauce. I will be able to handle the processing of the sauce fine, so we will get together a day I have off get it all done. We have some late corn that is just now tasseling but Dennis is placing bets it is too weedy to get much corn. I would love to get more corn than what we have but if it doesn't work out then hopefully next year, our garden will be a better producer.

I have been working as much as they will offer me. I cant take other people's hours but if I could, I probably would. I love having all the bills paid off and then still money to put in the savings! Since it is chopping season though, I have to restrict the hours that I do work. I can't work evenings since we would not have daycare and I it is hard to work at 3:00AM since I would have to be asleep by 6:00, Will would be roaming the house alone. But, that's what I get for working in law enforcement. No one has a 9-5 job.

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