Putting the rafters up. P.S. That is the living room ceiling.
This was last week. Lots of help and these guys made it pretty far. I believe this was day 2 of putting sticks up.
This is as far as they got before the ice came in. Yuck. I love winter, just hate the ice part that comes with it.
This was the one view I didn't show you in the last post. The corner is the utility room with a half bath, basically just a toilet but hey living with only one for the last 8 years (and with 3 people) I'm a firm believer you can't have to many. Especially with one as a potty training toddler.
Sorry it's blurry but here's the height of the living room. It won't be much shorter than the rafters that are up now. And yes, of course Lillian likes to jump on the ply wood that is covering the basement hole!
End of today! One dormer is done and you can still see daylight on the other end of the house so not all the sheeting is up on the roof. Obviously, the garage isn't done yet.
The front of the house. I can't wait until you all can tell what is windows and what isn't. I love windows. I think I may get that from Mom. Thanks Mom. But there are four huge windows on the top and then two on each side on the bottom. The big rafter is something Dennis is pretty proud of. I agree, it'll look better once the black plates are on it but it will look great!!
And for your entertainment purposes... My children fighting over the vacuum. Dennis came in and saw this. I said "I wish all chores were this easy!"
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