Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Driving a tractor

Can you believe it… Dennis has gotten me to drive a tractor!! On Sunday, he needed to feed the cows but didn’t have any hay to feed them. He got the tractor out so I didn’t have to back it up or anything, just forward. Still, not so fun! I did love how much Dennis loved it but driving a piece of machinery is not on my top of things I wish to learn! We have five new baby kittens. This is the plus of driving the tractor is getting to keep the kittens inside in the basement. Hopefully this way they will survive more than a week or so. Back onto the driving the tractor, he has gotten me to do this for him on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday! As he was chopping I am there trying not to flip the darn thing over and having nerves so high I could vomit if one thing goes wrong.

Dennis has been busy with construction this summer. He said it will be about 5 more weeks before he starts chopping. I know he is looking forward to this; he looks forward to this every year. At the same time, stressing about it so much he can barely sleep at night. Break downs are no fun so this year, let’s all cross our fingers and say a little prayer that it will all go smoothly.

As for me, in February, I went back full time to dispatching and no more jail. YEAH!! I enjoyed jailing to an extent. Hated the hours! I wouldn’t get home until 11 when he was already asleep, and he would be up and gone by the time I woke up. I was working that shift more than often. Now that I am in dispatch alone, Miranda and I switch our hours around so she is working that shift for me and I am working her days and nights. This works out for the both of us so it is all great!

As for the both of us, things are great! We now have been married for 2 years! I really can’t believe how fast time has gone. It does seem like every time I look at the calendar another month has gone by. As it is now July 1st and chopping season is about to start, I know that it will be over just as quickly and then Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here and gone. This weekend is the 4th and we are planning on camping out with some friends. We have yet to camp out this summer so, we are looking forward to it!!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for driving the tractor. I still haven't done that! I drive the big trucks with manual transmission which is just plenty for me! see ya later!
