Saturday, August 29, 2009

wonderful weather

Tomorrow baby is 12 weeks. I am so excited that we are approaching the second trimester. I am hoping that in the second trimester I will have more energy and be somewhat less hungry all the time! Baby is a full 2 ½ inches long and can now swallow! It even has tooth buds now! Tuesday I have my second appointment so we get to hear the heart beat again.

Not a lot to update you on us, Dennis had a few days off because of the rain. He wasn’t too thrilled about that so hopefully he is getting back to chopping today. I know that will make him happier getting back at it and not having people wait on him.

I have made some habanero jellies this week. They are yummy! Pineapple habanero, apricot habanero, and raspberry habanero are the three kinds that I made. They are the hotness I was wanting with the jalapeno jelly that I made earlier this year. It didn’t make much we do have much more habaneros out in the yard.

I like to go to aerobics once if not twice a week and then walk my three mile route at least three times a week. On my walk yesterday I walked passed a field that is at the 168 and 178 hwy intersection. It was one of those days that just puts a smile on your face. The field has those purple weeds in it among other weeds of course but there had to have been thousands of yellow butterflies! It was amazing! Blue skies, white pillowed clouds, purple fields with thousands of butterflies. It was one of those moments where you just inhale and appreciate life. I really should have gone back to take a picture. As nice as this weather has been I am sure that there will be more of these walks to come.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today baby is 11 weeks! I am so excited that the first trimester is almost over. It is so crazy to see pictures of how big the baby is right now. One of my books has actual sizes in it and it is so neat to see that. It is 2 ½ inches big now and weighs 8 grams… Baby really doesn’t have anything else to update you all on, just growing rapidly as now baby has eyelids and hair is growing.

This week, Dennis has been very busy. I thought I was going to get to see him more with the rain but some of his people he is chopping for only had ¼ inch of rain so it dried up enough for him to chop. He was so excited because yesterday they had a record breaking day. He chopped 2400 tons in 24 hours!!! I am like most of you and really don’t know how much that is but it sure sounds awesome!! I guess one of the guys that drives a truck sometimes climbed up a power pole to get some great photographs. He took over 300 pictures.

As for me, I drove back and forth to Sabetha quite a bit this week. It was fun to see Tom again. Uncle Doug’s foreign exchange student when he was in high school. It is hard to believe that it was 13 years ago when he was back from Japan. I remember so much of then. It is interesting to hear some insights of other countries on what they think of our country. I did not talk to him about this but hearing what he said to others was interesting to say the least. Going onto this, I work with a very intelligent man; Lawrence Collins. Larry as everyone calls him, is a retired U.S. Navy and has worked as about anything in the field of police you can. He is on the bomb squad in Topeka, he is a trained sniper, he has been about everything except for sheriff and he also is a fire fighter. The only thing he says he will not be is an EMT. He is fun to talk to as he has so much to say. He wrote a letter to our representatives and to our President to the United States. I know that he would not care if I share this because he may start passing this on in e-mails as well as local news papers and radio stations. So with that said, I would like to share the letter he wrote to our state representatives:

I am a very concerned citizen. This is the first time I have written my representatives, and I am doing so because I have had enough of what I see being done to my country via Washington

I am tired of paying ever greater amounts of money to taxes to people who produce bills and laws that I then have to donate large amounts of money to organizations such as the NRA to fight.

I want to say first off that I too am a public servant. I served 20 years active duty in our military and am now in my 15th year as a full time Police Officer. I have taken the same oath of office you have and know what it is to defend the rights of those who employ me. Our oath of office is first and foremost our word to those we serve that we will ensure their rights as guaranteed in our constitution will not be violated on our watch. We have given those who employ us our word on our honor that the supreme law of this land we will support and defend.

Our Constitution is not to be violated or suspended in any way, not to be politically correct, or to serve the greater good. This document is not a ‘living’ or ‘work in progress’. It is an intended by our founding fathers a protection of the American people from tyranny. Our founding fathers warned us to avoid gun control, a welfare state, a police state, entangling foreign alliances, a grandiose and omnipotent central government, enslaving taxation and the list goes on and on.
I see today violations by our federal government of our 1st amendment rights in the suggestions by some that we enact ‘the fairness doctrine’ The 2nd amendment, I don’t know where to start, what part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do our lawmakers not understand? The 2nd amendment is absolutely an individual right and is the one intended to separate a citizen from a subject. It is the right we have to guarantee all the others. The 4th amendment, intrusion into the jurisdiction of local, country and state law enforcement by federal authorities, and the actions of the American Gestapo also known as the IRS. The 10th amendment, the federal government far exceeding its job description by blackmailing the states with their own tax money.
This buy out of businesses within our country, the government owning these companies, the nationalism of health care, this is socialism!!!! Why are my representatives not jumping up and down on their desks screaming ‘you can’t do that’, ‘this is America’!!!

We are republic; citizens have the right to fail. Let these mismanaged companies go under, its taken place before and we survived. You want to put money where it will do some good, hire thousands more border patrol agents and stop supporting illegal aliens with our health care, education, housing, ect.

Also, what about this government program I hear about where we are encouraged to send in the ‘fishy e-mails’ of our neighbors who may be critical of the governments new programs? Wait! Is the year 1938? Is this Germany? My God! … Remember, ‘Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it’.

I am writing this as a citizen frightened for the future of this country, this Constitutional republic. I will do my part as an honest citizen and public servant and I am sure this is not the first letter like this you have received; at least I hope it isn’t.

I pray that the Lord who guided the hand of our founding fathers in the creation of our countries constitution will provide you with the same wisdom and foresightedness in preserving its liberties today. I thank you for your time and service and welcome any response.

Lawrence K. Collins U.S. Navy (ret.)
Holton, Kansas

Sunday, August 16, 2009

baby update

On Wednesday I had my first sonogram, they moved my due date back a day so it is March 14th. The baby’s heart beat was 160bpm and yes there is only one! So, since they moved my due date back a day, that technically makes today (Sunday) week 10! I am so glad that time seems to be going by quickly, at least I am glad until I am half way through the second trimester. Then it can slow down a little. I have another appointment set for September 1st. Dc. Glynn said that starting then we will be able to listen to the little guys heart beat at every appointment.

As for Dennis, it is full chopping season now! It is an everyday occurrence and all day occurrence. I worked nights the other day and I literally saw him at 7 AM one day and didn’t see him again until I was home two nights later. That is the down fall for me working nights during chopping season. There are times, we will not see each other for 5 days!

Work has been just as busy this week. At least it seems like it, I didn’t work as much I just haven’t been home much. I was starting on salsa yesterday. I am so glad that Lacy and Jere are able to finish scalding the tomatoes today. Between just being so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open to all the other things I was needing to get done in the house I just couldn’t finish them. So, thank you so much you two!! And by the way, I have such a sweet husband. When I went to help Lex out at the flower shop on Thursday, she said she had something to show me… and she came out with a bouquet just for me! It has beautiful hydrangeas, calla lilies, and agapanthus. So, that made my several weeks to come!

If any of you have not seen the new TNT show Hawthorne, you should. It is a very good drama. Jada Pinket Smith stars as the head nurse in a hospital. It is a very good show. Of course, I am suggesting this show only the week that the season finally will air. Another of my favorites that isn’t quite close to being over Is Army Wives on Lifetime. This is season 3 but I finally got Nikki into it. That is a show that even Dennis doesn’t mind watching. Hawthorne is on Tuesday nights at I think 8 and Army Wives is on Sunday nights at 9. So, new episode tonight, yeah!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well, I guess this is a weekly update kind of thing for me! So, that would make baby 9 weeks today! I had my first appointment on Tuesday and as excited as I was for it there really wasn’t anything exciting happening there. Dennis didn’t get to make it because he stayed home and worked on the chopper. We do have an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday, so we will get to see the little bugger then. That I am VERY excited for, minus the drinking a half a gallon of water an hour before they get to push on my belly. We will see how that goes. I have still been feeling great so maybe I will just be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t get sick.

As for work, I have worked a lot this week, I came in on Sunday night to jail for a few hours for someone who was sick. It has been since March since I jailed so that was a little different getting back there again. Then I worked ten hour shifts in dispatch and now I am going to work later tonight for Miranda so yeah for fourteen hours of overtime! Woo who!

Dennis is on his last week in Sabetha for quite a while… He starts chopping this next week. He already had a minor break down. I think he will get that fixed rather quickly which is great! He said that bad years go in and every other year pattern and that makes this the year… Just pray that is not true this year. Or any year to follow!

At work I do have the privilege of watching TV, movies, ect as long as I can stop them to continue my job as needed. I watched the movie Taken. That was a very good movie! I recommend that to most anyone! There was a movie that I watched several months ago that I could not believe I had never seen before. The Shawshank Redemption is one of the best movies I have EVER seen. I love movies so I do enjoy getting to see so many even if they are rather meaningless and quite frankly, stupid. I have seen many of those as well. Speaking of, I do think I will sign onto Netflix and watch hopefully another recommendation worthy movie!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just update

Baby is 8 weeks today! I have my first appointment on Tuesday and I am very excited. I wish that Dennis would be able to go with me, maybe he will be able to if he is still working across the street, which would be great! I am still feeling okay; I just have to keep eating. Dennis takes full advantage of me eating all the time to make fun of me. Although, I have had no motivation to do anything so the kitchen has week old dishes and there is no food that is cooked.

Besides that, Dennis is getting excited to chop. He is a little disappointed that it may be another week before he starts. To him, chopping is like a vacation as long as there are no break downs. Tonight we are going out to eat with Mom and Dad, they are taking us out to the Willows. I am pretty excited to see them again, soon, school will start and I will not see them quite as much.

Amy (boss) told me that I have to take some vacation or I will lose it so I went through and picked so that I will only be working two or three weekends from October to the end of December! That will be nice along with a few weeks off… I am excited for that; Dennis says that if this is a good year for chopping then we will be going on lots of weekend trips. Let’s hope it is a great chopping year.

Right now, I am reading My Sisters Keeper. An excellent book! I am not quite done so I am wanting to quite blogging and finish reading. I am hoping that with a day off tomorrow I will be able to finish it. Nikki and Tara and I are going to have a sister’s night when it comes out on DVD. We wanted to go see it in the theaters but I’m not done reading it and Tara hasn’t read it yet either. Anyway, I am not done with the book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read a book that makes you appreciate what you have in life. (I do appreciate what I have, just reassures me that any little thing that I may complain about really is meaningless.)