Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will's 18 months!!

I nailed it on the head. After the second night of Will not wanting to sleep, I knew he had an ear infection. He couldn't have timed it any better either since yesterday was his 18 month and my 14 week pre-natal appointments. For 18 months, Wills stats are:

30.8 lbs 50-75%
35" tall- 97%

He actually measured 36" but since he was wearing shoes she took off an inch. Not that big of deal since he is that tall! This rash that he has gotten from the cloth diapers, the Dr. thought it was a yeast infection. She's the doctor, she knows best, but I still have a hard time believing that it was not due to that detergent we were using. I have 'stripped' the diapers (washed them 4-5 times until no more soap is in them and then wash a couple more times) and now waiting until his bum clears up so we can start putting those cute fuzzi butt diapers on him again. Oh, yes, we FINALLY have them all!!! Three weeks after they were due to come in, we are stalked up with diapers! These are the diapers that you do have to wash a good 4-5 times before you can use them, washing adds to the absorbency; so, they have to be washed a few more times before we can use them yet.

As for Baby #2, it's nice and healthy with a heart beat ranging in the 140s. It was nice of Baby #2 to also boost my metabolism enough to only gain a half a pound this last month. Thanks baby!!!

I have been having some CRAZY dreams lately! From being in a tornado holding onto a cow, to shooting a wolf that came into our house, to aliens looking in Wills bedroom window as I was trying to get him back to sleep. (That one, I'm not too sure it was just a dream!) I do love dreaming, its a fun time to let your imagination go wild. The fun thing about it is that you have no control over what your imagination is doing. You never know what you will remember in the morning. I look forward to bed to see what I will be dreaming next (minus aliens... truly, could have been real!).

Dennis is pretty much done chopping the corn for this year. It's been so dry the last couple of weeks to months that all the corn is ready for combining (Wills new word!). It has been nice to have him home more. We enjoy having Daddy around to tackle and play with. He just needs to get Wills swing set done so when he starts chopping again, we have something to do!!! It will get done, in time. He will be back to chopping the sorgo before we know it. It is crazy how fast time has been flying by.

Dennis asked me the other day if I had been in the garden to get any tomatoes or peppers lately. No. I'm done in the garden. I did what I wanted and now, I don't care. It took all I had to do what I did do too. I sure wish we had more corn frozen but I had absolutely no energy to do that.

I am working on a huge three tier cake for an event. I'm excited to post about it, come back tonight or tomorrow, I should have pictures posted!!!

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