Only two and a half weeks until the new year starts! This year has flown by. In some ways I am very glad for this and others I think "Where did my baby go? He's a toddler now, a big boy." He is so crazy and fun and talks a lot. TV has become a favorite activity for Will. While I know this isn't good, it still keeps him out of the kitchen while I try to cook supper. This is a good thing because he has also taken to pulling the chair up to the counter top or stove to 'help' Mom. NOT GOOD! A year ago Will wasn't even walking yet, and now he loves to run and fall on his belly seeing what kind of reaction he gets.
Well I wanted to wright about last year's resolutions. My New Years Resolutions were to blog more (check) and to read the Bible from cover to cover, or start anyway. I'm not putting a check next to that one because I have only gotten to Leviticus on the 11
th chapter (think). Leviticus has been a hard one to read so far because it is all about the laws and types of offerings. So it does take some time to really focus on reading so that I can understand as much as I can.
Even though I haven't gotten very far in the Bible, I do believe that my faith has grown a great deal. I feel like I owe most of that to a couple of of my co-workers. These two are very knowledgeable on the Bible and religion in general. They are my go-to people when I have questions about what I have just read. It allows me to really understand what I just read. They have also given me other books to read to understand the stories of the Bible. I guess if I am making excuses to why I haven't read more in the Bible, this would be one of them. Since these books are lent to me I feel like I have to read them first to give them back. Remember, I'm a slow reader! Overall, I am very happy with where my faith has gone over the last year. I truly find the more I read and the more I pray the more positive things happen in my life. When I'm having a down week or two where I don't read anything and I put off praying for the important things then I see negative things pop up around me.
As for blogging more, well hello! I think I have very much made this a successes. I love going to my 'stat' corner to see how many people red my blog in the last couple of days. (December 10
th there were 84!!!) I love it! I love that I have things that people care enough to keep coming back. I'm not sure if some are irritated that my baking has slowed down and it's all about my life and my adorable son or not, but it's still fun to see I have loyal readers.
As for this next year's resolutions, I don't really have any made. I can think of two off the top of my head. One, continue my growing faith. I believe you ever know enough. I'm sure even the Pope learns new things from time to time. Secondly, loose weight! I know I can't start this resolution until March and I will probably loose a good 25-30 within a few weeks. I'm sure that loosing weight is on so many people's resolution list but I want to get back to my
pre-Will weight and then some. I would love to be even smaller than our wedding day. That was the lightest I have ever been. I know its going to take some serious work as I am such a junk food junkie. But, I will make it. It really irritated me that I never made it down to my
pre-Will pregnancy weight.
After today's work I am off for over a week! I love hording my vacation days until the very end of the year. Over my days off I am hoping to get the crib in our room (not sure how but we will re-arrange until it fits!) and get Will used to sleeping out of his little cage. The anxiety of not having things done for this baby girl is really starting to get to me. When time is involved I have anxiety. It's really the only time I have anxiety issues. I can't handle being late and I want things done now for when this baby comes in over two months! It doesn't help matters that Dennis and I can't agree on a name for her. I really don't want to settle for anything less than my favorite name. He chose Will's name and I let him have so much of what he wants that I just think I should get this one thing. The name I have loved longer than I have even known Dennis. I know he will love the name once she arrives and we call her by her name. The good thing is we do agree on a middle name. It's a start.
P.S. This is the last post without a picture for a while!!! I can't believe I have posted twice without a picture!