Saturday, October 17, 2009

Night owl!

I believe it is official; our 19 week old baby-to-be is a night owl! Working the night shift this week I have felt the joy of the little bugger twisting and turning all night long. It is pretty cool to notice it moving around more and more every day… or night. Down to nine more days until we get to find out if it is a girl or a boy! (This evening, anyone who thought we already had the sonogram, they asked 'So it's a girl?') There really hasn’t been much of anything else new with baby this week.

Dennis had a stressful week. He found out on Friday that someone had gone in the garage that they were building in Sabetha and stole a lot of his tools. He said that Edelman’s were great to work with and gave him a pretty good deal to replace them but even still, he is now out a lot of money missing all those tools. So, having a very upsetting end of the week, he is even more ready for this job to be done, as so is everyone else involved.

I had a great work week. I had Tuesday and Wednesday off and just spent the days pretty lazy. Katie has been a bad girl! She was so great for about three weeks and only ran off a few times. Well, the last four days she has made her way down to our neighbors and visited her buddy, Buddy. If anyone has any ideas at how to train her to stay at home, I would LOVE the suggestions! Dennis had a great idea to have Jeff shoot off a gun when she runs down there. She usually will see a gun and run straight for her kennel. So, I will have to try this trick, I will get some great use out of my 20 gage. Saturday, Kyle and Julie had a house warming party and so we spent the evening there. We will see what this next week has in store for all three of us! I am hoping for Chinese food tonight, cross your fingers!!!!

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