Tuesday, January 10, 2012

30 week update:

30 Weeks and 5 days to be exact!!! Can you believe that? 9 weeks left from yesterday until baby time! I am beyond ready and excited. Okay, so we're not READY as in crib and everything clean ready, but physically, I'm ready.

Yesterday I had another appointment and pleased to update that everything is going well. I was measuring right on track so no issues that we know of. She has turned into a transverse position though and that makes you measure smaller. I can even tell you the day she changed from head down to sideways. It was last week when Will was having a needy day and wanted held a lot. So, I was carrying him around and while I was not letting him 'sit' on my belly he was putting quite a bit of pressure on my belly. Later that night I was feeling her kick in different spots and felt the side of my stomach and it was not nearly as hard as it had been. I knew I had been feeling her back and butt as hard as it was and the spots she was kicking. She has plenty of time to turn back head down though so just keep your fingers crossed she knows what she is supposed to do, and her brother doesn't make her move again!!!

As I am getting bigger and bigger, it is getting very hard to take care of Will anymore. Last night while I was giving him a bath, I could hardly breath as I was bending down to wash him. I'm sure it will only be a few more weeks when Dennis has to take over bed time routine. I don't know if Will is teething or if he just knows he is soon to not be the only one in the house, as he has been quite clingy lately. Of course, I don't mind, this morning I got to snuggle and rock him back to sleep for about 20 minutes before work.

A new symptom that I have, has just started is when ever I sit on anything hard, it feels as though my tail bone is broken! It hurts so badly and trying to stand up is excruciating. This never happened with Will so its an all new experience for me. Trying to keep a toddler out of trouble while trying to alleviate the pain is a challenge.

I gained eight pounds this last month!!! OUCH! That was a hard one to see. The most I ever gained in one month with Will was seven. That makes my total weight gain of 27lbs. I may be just a little over what I gained with Will at this point but I'm not to sure. I know that my total with him was 40. So, as long as I keep it in check I SHOULD be able to keep it right around that if not a little less. They say a pound a week is good. If I keep up with that then I should be below the 40 lb mark and that was my goal for this pregnancy. Although, not sure why I say that since I eat whatever I want and whenever I want when pregnant.

Back to Will for a minute. I want him to be able to say his sisters name. I know that he will eventually be able to if he can't at first but its still something I want him to be able to say. We are down to two different names for this little girl that I think we will end up waiting until she is born to decide for sure but I was trying to get him to repeat me saying the name. Last night he said one of the names twice!!!!! I was so happy and shocked that he was able to say the name. So, now we have to work on getting him to say the other name as I'm thinking that will be the final decision.

A new belly picture is a must I think but I don't have one right now. I do start going to the doctor for check ups every other week now! That should speed the time up after holidays and third trimester pains a little. I will leave you with the hopes of this little girl flipping around and staying that way!!!

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