Tuesday, February 21, 2012

20 days left...

Yep, we have the date officially set. March 12th will be little Miss' birthday. I tried my best to talk my doctor into the 5th but she said that at Stormont Vail, they will not unless truly, truly medically necessary will they induce or do a c-section before 39 weeks. It is quite unfortunate that my weeks turn over on a Thursday and not a Monday. Because of this, I'm stuck with 39 1/2 weeks for an induction date. I know that this is the best for her. She needs to stay inside as long as possible to get those lungs fully developed and all that, but, that does not change the fact that I more than a little terrified of having a recovery like I did with Will. Since I'm already having slight issues it scares me even more. I actually want to cry. But to avoid any TMI, I will go on with the appointment.

She did not check me this time and I'm fine with that, just looking forward to knowing what next week will bring. I was measuring 36 weeks and being 36 1/2 weeks she asked me if I thought she had dropped a little. I did. Actually on Sunday, I woke up thinking that she was lower. My Grandma didn't think so though, she thought she was still up high, in my ribs. I just thought that was funny... I didn't really look like Will drooped until the week before he was born though.

Other than that, I gained 3lbs in 2 weeks so that makes 33 lbs for now... I'm sure I'll stay below the 40lb mark at this point but I doubt I'll stay below the 35lb mark. You know though, those chocolate doughnut holes are so dang good!!!

I was told that even if I do go into labor early and have her in the next couple of days we could probably stay in Sabetha to have her. She said that girls tend to be a bit stronger than little boys so with an extra eye on her, she would be fine to be delivered here! But, we are headed to the circus this weekend so I do want her to stay in until at least Saturday evening!

Today, I am pampering myself!!! I am getting a pedi after work and boy am I excited!!! This is something I have only done once before and that time I wasn't as excited. I was just doing it because my sister asked me to and I really didn't want to spend the money. This time around, I'm tired, and tired of being tired and I'm ready to have this child and I can't reach my toes to paint them so I'm excited!

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