Thursday, February 9, 2012

35 week update on baby #2

Well the appointment was on Monday at 34 1/2 weeks but today marks the start of my 35th week. That means that in two weeks, she can officially come when ever she so wants! At my appointment on Monday I was poked and prodded just a bit more. You know, because I haven't been poked enough. So, I had blood drawn and I had the Group B Strep test done. I actually tested positive this time around for the GBS. This really is no big deal, I just have to have a round of antibiotics right before she is born. It really is just interesting how you can test positive with one pregnancy and negative the next or visa verse. Since the doctor was down there anyway, she checked me and said that I'm not dilated any but my cervix is soft and not high, that it is medium position. All of this is very good news. The news that something is happening but not before it should! And she is still head down!

I have officially gained 30lbs. With only 4 1/2 weeks to go before baby day, I am hoping to stay away from the 40lb mark. Again, I say I HOPE to stay away from that mark but I'm really not doing anything to prevent it. I actually just made brownies, rolled it out and spread marshmallow fluff and rolled the brownie into a log. It was delish!

I was measuring 34 weeks. That is half a week behind from where she should be but its all normal. I had to look back at my blog from when I was pregnant with Will at this time to see where he was measuring. I think that the way the baby is laying depends on how they are measuring because Will was only measuring half a week a head right around this time and then later he was a week and a half a head. We have gone from behind a week to up two and a half weeks and back down again. It makes me giggle a little that my doctor doesn't think this little girl is as big as Will was. Call it Mother's instincts again but I just have a big hunch that she will be just behind her brother in weight. The reason it makes me giggle that my doctor says she doesn't think that this baby will be all that big is because she said the same things with Will. That she didn't think that he would be a 9lber. Don't get me wrong, I trust my doctor in every aspect of the word, but I think in the matter of the size of a baby, Mother's instincts are better than a doctors, even with ultra sound technology. I have read stories where an ultrasound guessed a baby to be 11lbs and once the delivery was over, the baby was 7 or 8 pounds.

Here is to the next four weeks to go by quickly!

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